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Lapis Lazuli Supportive Properties, Correspondences and Meanings


Lapis lazuli is one of the most mysterious and a favorite among crystal healing, mineral collectors, and metaphysical purposes.

Its natural good looks also keep it in high demand in the jewelry trade. We’re going to dive deep into all its aspects today.

History and Lore

Ancient texts often referred to this stone as “sapphire” yet oftentimes they were actually citing lapis.

“Lapis lazuli” literally means “blue stone”. Lapis is Latin for “stone”, hence the word “lapidary” meaning work involving working with stones; engraving, cutting, or polishing.  Then “lazuli” originally comes from the Persian word, “azul” meaning “blue”. 

This gorgeous and enigmatic stone has been used in countless ways with evidence of mining going as far back as 7000 BCE. Archaeologists have documented its use in many cultures as talismans, jewelry, adorning religious objects, sculptures, and structures.

lapis lazuli Arguably the most well-known burial mask of all; King Tut’s burial mask incorporated significant use of Lapis lazuli. Photo credit: Jon Bodsworth [Copyrighted free use]

Egypt’s Love for Lapis

The bluestone has been known to hold major religious as well as royal significance in … Read More

2024-02-28T11:55:06-05:008 Comments

Turquoise Healing Properties, Correspondences and Meanings

Let’s talk about one of the most popular gemstone minerals in history; Turquoise.

We’ll discuss the many colors and varieties while also taking a look a this stone’s healing properties, correspondences, and meanings.

Also, read on to be sure you’re not being duped by turquoise fakes! 

This stone is quite popular in jewelry (whereas selenite – with a Mohs hardness of 2, is not as popular because it gets scratched up much more easily), particularly in Native American jewelry and southwestern designs. Some of my fav jewelry pieces are Turquoise!

Metaphysical Properties and History

Treasured for thousands of years, used in ancient Africa, Asia, South, and North America for many different purposes, this mineral is perhaps most often used as some form of protection.

Historically, Turquoise was found to be worn by nobility in Ancient Egypt. There are so many museum pieces displaying the use of Turquoise along with Lapis Lazuli, Carnelian, and a few others. Plus, Turquoise adorns the burial mask of Tutankhamun (aka King Tut) — one of the most well-known and recognized artifacts of ancient times!

2024-02-28T11:58:26-05:0022 Comments

What’s a Jade Roller ? | Benefits and How to Use It

jade roller

Ready for some jade roller fun today?

Below, I have some more tools for a luxurious, relaxing, and effective Crystal Facial.

These were the tools used by my aesthetician — yep including a jade roller (even though it’s not pictured here.  she used an assortment of several crystal facial massage and acupressure tools in clear quartz, rose quartz, and jade.



facial tools jade rose quartz, jade roller

And this below is my personal cure for sinus issues: jade facial using tumbled jade along with a chilled jade roller and some eucalyptus essential … Read More

2021-10-01T14:21:41-04:0054 Comments
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