Today I’d like to try to connect the cosmic dots between our heart chakra, the sacred geometry inherent in crystals, and one very special element; gold.
Love this quote from one of my favorite books:
“We are travelers on a cosmic journey, stardust, swirling and dancing in the eddies and whirlpools of infinity. Life is eternal. We have stopped for a moment to encounter each other, to meet, to love, to share. This is a precious moment. It is a little parenthesis in eternity.”
― Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist
Ready to dance?
Let me prepare you for one of my rabbit-hole sort of cosmic-journey blog posts, where I love to dive into the sacred geometry of crystals and get all tangled up in its Cosmic Connection. Want to come along with me?
HEADS UP: At first, this blog post may bring you scary chemistry class flashbacks. But stick with me here. Pretty sure you’ll be glad you did!

I NEVER miss the opportunity to sneak in a good Breaking Bad reference wherever I can!
Now we kind of inherently KNOW gold is special and valuable, but exactly why is that?
- durability
- beauty
- usefulness (high electrical conductivity)
- rarity
You may be surprised to find out gold is also a crystal. (We’ll get more into that later.)
So due to its rarity, gold is often recycled. Yep, the very gold in your tech device or in the pendant you may be wearing right now may have been someone’s old tooth cap or perhaps even an old Greek coin.
Eww or COOL!
Metaphysical Properties
All minerals hold their own set of metaphysical properties; even metals (although often overlooked).
While silver is known to hold a feminine vibration, gold holds the polar opposite with its male frequency — which invites powerful solar-influenced manifestation frequencies of vitality, confidence, and creativity.
Chemistry + Cosmic Connection
Now, you may remember from chemistry class that the chemical symbol for gold is ‘Au’ [for the Latin word, “aurum”]. This word translates to “morning glow” or “shining dawn”.
As I mentioned earlier, gold is hard to come by.
RABBIT HOLE ALERT ️: Alchemists were always on the hunt looking to change other metals into gold due to its rarity.
The ancient alchemists were the orginators of chemistry you know.
But alchemists of yesteryear were certainly not the first to be so obsessed with gold.
Many of our much more ancient civilizations from around the globe were into it — but even before that…
According to late author Zecheriah Sitchin, there were some technologically advanced human-like E.T.’s who came to our planet looking for? You guessed it! Gold. They found it alright but, allegedly, were too lazy to mine it themselves — so they decided to genetically engineer humans (from pre-existing proto-humans that already inhabited Earth) as slaves specifically for mining the gold.
Mind blown?
Sounds like a crazy movie, right? But also sounds familiar.
OK, back to the story at hand; gold is not just rare here on Earth but throughout our ENTIRE Universe. That’s because it’s not as easily created within the core of a star and then catapulted out into space when the star dies; as is the case with more common elements like hydrogen, carbon, or iron.
Instead, gold is created in a uniquely intense way; from two giant stars collapsing and then colliding! (All elements heavier than iron are born this way.)
It’s a rare event that doesn’t happen as often so that makes gold universally rare and extraordinary.
It’s recycling… but on a whole other level.
Essentially, this is alchemical magic; the universe turning matter into gold!
Like this…
Is it a Crystal?
I know you may not think of gold as a crystal.
Doesn’t look like one, but I assure you it is.
It can even RARELY form as an actual visible cubic or octahedral crystal (being a member of the Cubic Crystal System — this is all sacred geometry, Babe). These are so hard to find though.
- All crystals are minerals. In fact, one of the criteria for being a mineral is that its atoms must be arranged in an organized crystalline geometric pattern (rather than randomly as is the case with glass).
- On the other hand, not all minerals are VISIBLE crystals, even though at the molecular level, they are. Also interesting — that atomic geometric pattern is EXCLUSIVE to that mineral. So, changing that atomic crystalline pattern in any way would result in the creation of an entirely new mineral! I know. I get too excited about this quantum-level stuff.
Sacred geometry is inherently baked into the energy pattern of crystals. (If you’d like to dive deeper into that topic, you may be interested in my CRYSTALS; Encoded with Sacred Geometry Class Elective.)
Because gold holds the characteristic cubic form and energy at the microscopic level, if you’re wearing gold (as many people in our culture do), you’re DIRECTLY working with sacred geometric cube energy (which is a very protective and grounding type of energy).
Heart Chakra Gold Found in the Human Body
Not just talking about gold teeth here… the human body is made up of many elements, including trace amounts of gold.

Gold dust. James St. John [CC BY 2.0 (]
Not surprisingly, since ancient times, gold has been used as a heart remedy, with scientists continuing to develop new gold heart remedies today using gold nanotechnology.
And how many times do you think you’ve seen a religious painting or statue including a sacred heart surrounded by a golden aura?
What an incredible gold-octahedral-heart chakra connection right there.
Now that “Heart of Gold” expression makes total sense!
According to chemist and researcher, Dr. John Emsley, the average person’s body contains about 0.2 milligrams of gold. If you could compress that into a cube it would be about 0.22 millimeters on each side. In other words, TEENY!
Although it’s present in only trace amounts, it’s been determined that gold plays an important role in both the health and maintenance of the joints, as well as being a key element in transmitting electrical signals throughout our body.
A 1980s episode of NOVA mentioned that without gold, your heart would not be able to beat. As you probably already know, the heart is an electrical organ as we are electrical beings. And gold is one of the most efficient energetic/electrical conductors we have available. Just too expensive to use for most practical purposes.
Being we already have gold within our body, working with or wearing gold entrains that inherent gold within us and amplifies its energy. When you do this intentionally it’s even more powerful.
Nanocrystal Sacred Geometry
Now let’s talk crystallography with some Noble Metal Nanocrystals. I know this is hardcore geekery, but please stick with me here.
Another reason gold is special is that it’s a member of the Noble metals; a group of metal elements that won’t tarnish, rust, or corrode, and no acid can destroy it. Pretty indestructible stuff!
Examples of other noble metals:
- palladium
- silver
- platinum
Scientists find these metals to be mega-interesting because of their potential scientific applications.
A nanoparticle is a teeny-tiny particle, although larger than an atom; between 1 and 100 nanometers. Trust me, that’s super small!
You can check out the cubic gold nanoparticles here if you want to get SUPER-GEEKY (something I often enjoy).
Now, these little noble metal nanocrystals need to be chemically engineered in a lab to exist. BUT once created, they NATURALLY express themselves as teeny tiny Platonic solids of gold or silver or whatever noble metal is being used. Our entire Universe (Multiverse) is built upon the architecture of the Platonic Solids.
The sacred geometric form these nanocrystals take is NOT man-made or influenced. That’s the form they CHOOSE to take. All on their own.
Keep in mind, everything is made of vibrations of a certain frequency (information), and that specific frequency produces shapes of specific geometry.

CSIRO_ScienceImage_10976. Optical photograph showing supergene gold triangles and hexagons appearing black on a weathered surface that is coated in iron oxides and clays.
I find these nanocrystals very intriguing due to their perfect geometric beauty, symmetry, and most obvious Platonic solid shaped-crystals (with each of the five solids being represented) that they choose to embody and communicate.
As I said before, sacred geometry is inherently baked into the energy pattern of crystals.
Through vibration and sacred geometry, Source Energy has encoded ordered info into the minerals, which we get to tap into by working with them!
Promisingly, octahedral gold nanoparticles are a new up-and-coming possible cancer treatment.
Heart Chakra Gold Connection
Yeah, that’s all great and very heady deep-thinking sort of info. It’s fun to wax philosophical and take a look at all the cool connections. Right? But is there any practical use for this knowledge?
Yes — through intentional work with certain chakras and our subtle energy body.
Although gold works well with ALL the chakras, you can now see why it resonates most easily with the heart chakra.
Gold can also be also used successfully with our throat chakra to help heal anger, fear, and trauma through the self-expression of our emotions. Some of us need lots of help with that. Wearing a gold necklace or pendant can be so helpful for this. 😉
Keep in mind — a bright yellow-golden glow (or highly specific light frequency) is what is often described by many when doing light body activations or when visualizing the auric field on themselves or others. Back to those religious images:
Our Lady of Guadalupe image. Image credit: Unknown [Public domain]
Then we have the higher transpersonal (above your physical body) chakras which are often described as radiating a shiny or glowing golden orb. (Remember that Latin reference above to ‘shining [or glowing] dawn’?) It’s no wonder then that gold entrains so easily with our light body/aura and the higher transpersonal chakras as it assists in strengthening or bringing them back into balance. If you want to know the basics of chakra work I have a blog series all about that — begins right here.
Now, you also have an electromagnetic field (EMF) around you (as part of your subtle energy body), very similar to the Earth’s.
One important place this EMF originates from is our heart — the place in our body where most of our gold is held (heart chakra gold). No shocker there.
By the way, your heart’s magnetic field is 5000 times strong than your brain’s, and its electrical field is 60 times stronger than the brain’s. Bear in mind that gold is the most electrically conductive metal we know of that is also resistant to oxidation. Could the fact that our heart is so powerful be that it contains that special ingredient again; gold?
Besides working with or wearing gold, you can also choose to take it internally (after doing your own due diligence please). I have a smoothie recipe over here that I like that utilizes colloidal gold.
Thanks for joining me on that short cosmic journey… for dancing just a bit “in the eddies and whirlpools” with some stardust, heart chakra, sacred geometry, and gold energy.
Please let me know in the comments if this info was a complete bore-fest or if you enjoyed it. I’d love to know either way (no hurt feelings here at all… I’m used to people telling me to get lost with this sort of heart chakra gold mumbo-jumbo). This way — I know what kind of crystal topics you want from me most. 🙂
Oh! If you want more of this sort of thing… I have a similar blog post on Silver over here.
Love this!!!!
Multiple scientific facts plus theories make this blog too good to put down! Wearing a gold necklace will never be the same!
Thank you, Hibiscus Moon!
Deep end is where all the good stuff is! Thanks for the info, fun read
Love this!!! I feel all the science ties it together! If you left it out a lot would be missing! Wish I could have had you as a chemistry teacher when I was in high school many moons ago
Learned stuff I didn’t know! Thanks for your attention to detail and broadening my horizons…
now if I get down I’ll just remember that I’m golden , rare and one of a kind or OOAK . As we all are!!!!
I freaking Loved this. ALL of it!
Nothing is too far out as far as I’m concerned. Then again I’m a former lab geek ( microbiology degree, worked in cancer/bone marrow transplant research for 9 years) and now I’m living my purpose as a vessel/ conduit for healing energy. Started with massage, then moved into combo therapies Crystals, Reiki, craniosacral therapy MFR….
I used to work with invisible nucleotide sequences and now(always was) it’s about ENERGY.
I had NO idea the complexity of the Gold story.
Thank you ????❤️????
Loved loved loved this!!! Once again thankyou so much for helping us on our journey to enlightenment Hibiscus Moon! Your articles are always so informative, and I can rest assured that you have done all the research!????????????????????????????????
Talk about synchronicity! Before reading this article, l had literally just been reading about Gold being in the blood in ‘The Pleidian Agenda’. Guess the Universe wanted to confirm it!
I LOVED it! I’m a Reiki master and enjoy learning as much as I can about the chakras. This is extra awesome with the science “mumbo-jumbo” behind it!
Thank you Hibiscus Moon for sharing your wisdom on this, I found it fascinating and yet it all seemed to make so much sense. I have long felt drawn to gold and now I know why…. One of my sons is equally dawn to crystals and minerals and I can now share this with him too.
Very interesting, good info, Thanks!
Yes, this was totally awesome. I love the way you explain things and wearing gold will never be the same! Thank you!
Very interesting..I loved it! Science in general has always fascinated me but when science can be combined with unseen (spiritual) and cosmic miracles, it brings everything to a new level. Well done!
Hibiscus Moon, I loved this! I love all of your blog posts, and all of your videos ????. I think we have a similar way of thinking, as I LOVE to “go down the rabbit hole”, and explore with an open mind. I have learned some things about crystals from other sources, but you have by far the most interesting way of presenting the information, and you delve into areas that no one else really seems to go. Thank you for this, and please keep articles like this coming! ????????????????
I LOVE this so much. I manage a metaphysical boutique, and your insight combined with scientific research is just fantastic. Thank you so much for providing these blog posts. It allows me to connect so many different aspects for my clients. I direct so many of them to your blog and your knowledge! So much love!
I must be a geek because I loved this! I totally understood, and read it 3 more times just to make sure! Anytime you want a rabbit hole jumper, call me.
i am so geeky too. I love all this science stuff. When my friends asked for Chemistry sets for Christmas I wanted a Geology set so I could study about rocks and minerals . I love all things geology and earth science.
Not much to say, that hasn’t already been said. Brilliant x
Dear Hibiscus ???? Moon ???? ????
Atma Stephanie Namasté ????????
You are the conduit in bringing this combination of information in a tangible way. I am grateful and honored in receiving your gift and in such the way that you do, that is presenting such complexity into tangible knowledge for us. Amazing
Bring it on Sistah❣️????
Lina V.
I absolutely loved this! I never considered gold as a healing element or in the same realm as crystals. I am just starting to get into crystal healing however, i strikes me that my Dad was a jeweler and i spent my youth in his jewelry store playing with gold and gems and my maiden name is Gold. Do you think i belong here! Lol! Thank you for this great information.
I loved this article! Out of all your articles, this is my favourite! You’ve connected so many dots (I love how you casually threw in some ETs in there)! I can’t wait to read the next one! <3
I loved this. I got my popcorn and could not get enough. I was very disappointed when the read was over. I have a gold necklace that I wear all the time. Feel lost if I go out and forget it. Now I know why. It was precious before because my husband gave it to me, but now it is doubly precious. Thanks for sharing this wonderful knowledge.
Namaste! This was a fabulous journey into the cosmic realms! It was both spiritual and scientific! Thank you! I think this would make students more interested in various aspects of chemistry and other sciences.
This was so enlightening. Loved reading about the gold. I even read it to my grandson cause he wanted to know what the pictures were. Thanks so much
Hi Hibiscus Moon & All!
In addition to all the above wonderful comments, I am happy to be reminded that all minerals are crystals. The more I learn, the more everything is easier to see as being interconnected. Thank you sooo much for this informative article. Alchemy & Sacred Geometry are fascinating!
This is what I am looking for. I find it fascinating because I am a witch, reiki practitioner, and feel crystals are part of the healing of us. As a retired RN, I believe in self-care and how we can use different things to help us heal—physical, body, mind and spirit. Thank- you for this great info. You have never disappointed me in your knowledge base.
Very interesting, especially the (unspoken but obvious) revelation that the gold-heart connection was known in the medieval world, as evidenced by the religious icons.
Oh man !! Never realized I was a geek . I was so enthralled with this Blog !!!! Thankyou Hibiscus Moon , this was fantastic and sooooo interesting. Do it again please !!!! 🙂 thanks , Hope
Very interesting and very enlightening, I loved it! Please continue writing about the geeky things, they are what makes all this very believable.
Love it! Am eager for more! I luv making and learning about connections between what seems to be random ideas. Everything is energy. Energy is everything. So, of course there are connections to be made!
Shine your light. We’ll shine together.
Thank you so much!
I found your post very interesting! I have some scientific background, and read a lot about the chakras, platonic solids, sacred geometry, crystals, etc., so I understood entirely all the concepts you have mentioned, and have learned a lot of new things!
Absolutely love this! Keep this type of information coming!! ????
You just put all of my beliefs into words. Great read
Absolutely perfect & a wonderful read! I learned & reviewed so many things. Thank you for the work you do! 🙂
You might know this already, but it is an ancient Indian tradition to place in the mouth of our newborn babies a tiny drop on our finger of a sacred mixture of ghee, honey (I know, I know, botulism and all that…) and- you guessed it – pure 24 carat gold, which is sold in edible form in India for decorating special dishes. Both my children benefited from this beautiful and sacred tradition. And now I have a much better understanding of the science behind it! Thank you so much.
Thank You! Awesome information!!!
Another amazing post… love, love, love this! Just my thing. The perfect blend of science and crystals. I always remember my grandma telling me about the minerals we held inside ourselves, that we all had them but I hadn’t thought about that since I was a child. This brought back those conversations. Thank you for sharing this precious information, and doing so in a way that is easy to digest but still raises questions – just how I like it! Looking forward to the next one. Thank you.
Very true and real! Have more confidence. No need to remind yourself (and us) that there might be non believers, source energy doesn’t care about them either.
An article I always wanted to read to know about other perspectives out there. I always wondered why my culture (indian from Fiji Is) loved, worshipped and crazy for gold…I remember my grandmother doing gold healing on us as kids when we got sick or even simple things like wind pain in our tummies… I asked her a few times as to how she did it and she said something to the effect of intention, faith and focus and gold purifies and amplifies that healing intention. As an experiment, when my daughter got her eye problems again, I tried gold and mango leaves (another metaphysical healing agent) and the sun energy, b4 taking her to the doc…..I didnt have to take her to the doc at the end and her eye problem also hasn’t returned since…thank you lord.
I want to know how clean foods and certain oils, leaves n flowers heal and affect our auras and health, if we prepare, use and consume with intention…that’d be an interesting !
Amazing article! I loved this and loved learning something new. Thanks for sharing!
Thank you ! loved this article. I am a jewellery designer makers so all your info are very much appreciated ad ‘touching\ home. Thank you again for sharing your knowledge.
Loved this! St Hildegard of Bingen (look her up if U dont know about her) 12th century Christian mystic..healer..(used crystals also,) amongst so many other gifts, had visions..and one of them, she saw God as gold in a circle..(the living light) Jesus as sapphire..and the Holy Spirit silver… sorry my explanation sucks lol I encourage anyone 2 look her up!
THIS is MEGA! I clicked all the links – Gold in our body – Who’d have thunk it!!! lots of interesting snippets like silver is feminine energy, gold is masculine, that gold is rare universally, not just here – The whole thing, I’d love more just like this please!!!
OH, I LOVE THIS! (Funny. My husband is watching Gold Rush right now. Lol) This is a fantastic article blog. Thank you for sharing this.
Hi! Wonderful post. So glad to hear an appreciation for metals. Although masculine I always felt gold had a feminine healing quality or tint, for lack of better word, to it. Thinking if it like that ya exactly Hiw I felt. I could just never put it in words. Every girl tends to want to wear silver. I always wondered why I insisted on havubg a gold piece. I’m hoping for discussions in the different types of gold. I could see Platinum being very healing. Also, knowing that atoms form the sacred geometry helps to understand how the Crystal itself is shaped naturally that way, in some cases. I would lije to see a reference to this ET mining? Also, if we are made of stardust it does not seem that far fetched that we have gold in our bodies, two stars colliding. Although gold can help, it wpuld he fun to meditate with the heart chakra, to bring awareness of the Golden sacred heart in ourselves. Hoping to see that or at least discuss that with you.
Love it! You have a natural way of making complicated information less complicated! ????
All of the above!!!!! ❤️????????????????????
What an incredible world we live in! So many mind blowing facts. Thanks for giving me some extra insight the heart!
I Love all the new insight I am learning from you. So incredibly interesting!
Great post! Love the “deep dive“ stuff, More please! ????
Great read, my only request is for you to now back this up with something about silver! Even before I was actively connecting with crystals I would always say “it’s all about the metals folks!”
I found this article particularly interesting as I am an electroneurodiagnostic technologist, (EEG TECH). I perform my brainwave testing via 24kt plated fine silver leads???? lol Sometimes in surgery platinum contacts are used!
Thank you ????
Love love love it. The geekier the better.
Wow, everyone’s comments were incredible. Your blog touches so many people. You must be very proud! Learned so much from you and grateful your passion helps so many of us. Thank you. Going to put on my gold necklace of my Mom’s now and rethink my silver. I am going to experiment with using gold as well with Crystals in my Reiki sessions. Thank you and Happy New Year !
I found this Blog fascinating! I love hearing the scientific aspect of crystals. Also to see how gold was used symbolically with holy Icons The Heart is the gold aura radiating out! Brings in more understanding of the symbolism’s. Not to mention our hearts could not beat without the gold in our bodies. Thank you ????
Love this! Nailed it! Mic drop!!!
Wow ???? this floats my geeky chemistry spiritual boat ????
Gold is truly amazing! Thanks for the geeky science! love it!
Loved every bit of it. Thank you!
You are the only person in the universe that I found that explains crystals stuff scientifically, and it’s wonderful! Please keep doing that, it’s really helpful to understand it that way and especially when you want to explain stuff to someone who doesn’t believe in crystal magic! ❤️❤️❤️
What more can I say that hasn’t been said except that this is why I chose to join your Crystal Academy and become a Certified Crystal Healer! Now I know why I’ve always been attracted more to gold than any other metal! Thank you for another great blog!!
This was a wealth of information that kept me captivated. I enjoy reading emails, blogs & video content. Some days it is easier to listen or read, but enjoy vlog whenever I get a chance. Thank for sharing your knowledge ????
Absolutely fascinating. Thank you for making it so intriguing.
I found this fasinating and so very relavant. I love sll your content. Keep it coming. :).
Very interesting and informative article…I really enjoy reading your article
Fabulous stuff. As a science geek, and huge fan of nanotechnology, this was a fascinating read, corroborating and integrating what I know intuitively..Physics and mineralogy classes date back to the 1970s. More excited than ever to begin your course next month.
Or perhaps our true feeling of love can turn lead into gold?
But what is a true feeling of love?
Searching for our true feeling of love maybe more difficult and more painful than searching for gold.
I really enjoyed the article on gold ,,, very interesting !! thank you so much 🙂
loved this. I love geology especially Rocks and Minerals. .I am a study geek and I love learning new things. thank you so much for sharing your knowledge of Science with us. Namaste!
Thoroughly enjoyed!!! Thank you????
Really loved the way you have written this blog and how you focused on the main subject. I found this Blog fascinating! I love hearing the scientific aspect of crystals. And I also love reading about silver, and I have found an interesting blog
This is exactly the kind of thing I was hoping for to reach a better scientific understanding of what is happening! Thank you!
The science you present is exactly why I took your course! Keep it comin’????
Loved this!
I loved this. To be honest, you could even get 10x nerdier with it & I’d be 10x as excited about it haha.
Also, for what it’s worth (& you gotta be you & I’m not suggesting that you ever stop doing that, but…): you don’t have to apologize for being nerdy or smart. If you like this stuff & it calls to you & there are other people who are disinterested (at best) or too intellectually lazy to think deeply about these things (at worst), that’s not something you owe any apologies for. That’s on them. I mean I get feeling out your audience & trying to make sure you don’t bore your loyal readers or whatever- or at least making SOME effort in that direction, but if this excites & speaks to you, then those bored by it aren’t your people, at least not in this way, you know what I mean? That’s ok, no? Not everyone is for everyone & to dumb yourself down or deny yrself a cool interest in the interest of appealing to ppl who don’t like what you love? Idk you don’t owe anyone that.
I hope this doesn’t come off preachy or otherwise crappy in any way. If it does, I hope you brush it off & don’t think twice about it. It’s not meant to be an admonishment or a directive, but rather, a gentle “permission” of sorts from a total stranger who has nothing invested in the outcome: you are allowed to love what you love & to be as nerdy or not nerdy as you wanna be. I hope you never feel like you HAVE to cater to anyone who wants to limit the depth of yr intellectual exploration… ESPECIALLY if their motivation is rooted in not being interested in thinking too hard. That would be a shame to give in to & idk, for whatever it’s worth, a lot of this beautiful, interesting post seems like it’s apologizing for being curious & excited about knowledge. Maybe I’m misreading it, and again I hope I’m not being outta line or a drag, but fwiw? You never owe anyone an apology for loving knowledge or being interested in the things you’re interested in.
Anyway, that’s all. I loved this post! It shed some cool, helpful light on my own recent gravitation to this metal that I’ve historically been averse to. I learned a lot & gathered a lot of little tendrils of in my learny journey & for that I thank you very much <3.
Totally intrigued with this information! Thanks
loved this article!
Amazing information! Thank you ????
Enjoyed learning. Didn’t realize our bodies have gold in them. Appreciated the resource links you included too. Thank you.
Thank you for such detailed information.I have to say I find it very interesting and very much would like to look more into it because like I said, this is an amazingly interesting and will be quite beneficial I’m sure.
This is so enlightening. I passed this on to two family members who I know will enjoy it.
Loved it!!! Thankyou for the knowledge 🙂
I read and re-read this post! I found it VERY interesting and Most beneficial! I have a client with some heart issues that this information might be quite helpful with.
Thank you for always sharing those Wonderful Glittering insights with us!!
Awesome! Love the info and the presentation style. thank you.
Thank you for this wonderful article on crystals and sacred geometry. I learned so much from your insights and explanations. I love how you connected the dots between the heart chakra, gold, and the cosmic journey. You have inspired me to explore more of this fascinating topic and to use crystals more intentionally in my life.
[…] After a pretty popular blog post I’d written up on gold, I was asked more than several times to do a similar post on silver properties: […]